What Should I Do When I Have a Plumbing Leak?

Oct 19, 2020

What do you do when you notice water puddling in your home? Or when you find a plumbing fixture uncontrollably leaking? Perhaps you see water stains spreading across your ceiling or your walls? Plumbing leaks can create dreaded water damage and require professional plumbing repairs. Thankfully, you can minimize the damage when you act quickly. The Raleigh plumbers at Newcomb and Company know that preparedness is key. Here is a checklist of what to do when you have a plumbing leak.

Step 1: Ensure Your Safety

Most leaks are minor issues, which do not call for any severe measures. If you find that you have a small leak, you should first ensure that you do not have any electrical items, children, or pets near the water leak.

If you are dealing with a severe leak, you may face the risk of an electrical hazard. When water leaks behind your walls, it can get into your light fixtures and wiring. This may create sparks or fires. It is important to ensure the safety of you and everyone else in your household. The leak will continue to get worse if you do not turn off your water supply (step 3), but safety always comes first. If you are facing a severe threat, such as an electrical fire, you and everyone in your household should evacuate the premises and seek emergency help immediately.

Step 2: Detect the Plumbing Leak

While this next step can be tricky, it is helpful if you can find the source of the leak. There are a few potential sources to consider:

  • A plumbing fixture leak—such as your toilet or sink
  • An appliance leak—such as a burst water heater
  • A pipe leak—such as a broken connector or a burst pipe

The type of leak you have and the source of the leak will affect how you can turn off your water. If you can’t find the leak, you may consider skipping straight to step 4 (call a local plumber).

Step 3: Turn Off Your Water Supply

After you detect the leak, your next step should be to turn off the water supplying it. If the leak is coming from a single plumbing fixture, this step is easy. You can find the shut-off valve in the pipes leading to your fixture and turn it clockwise until the water stops. For your toilet, the shut-off valve is often right behind your toilet. For a sink leak, you will likely find the shut-off valve underneath or behind your sink.

If you have a major leak or you do not know where the water is coming from, you can shut off your home’s entire water supply. You simply need to locate and turn your main shut-off valve. This is often in your basement or outdoors. It is best to locate your main shut-off valve and ensure that everyone in your house knows where it is before an issue occurs so that you can be prepared for an emergency.

Step 4: Call an Emergency Plumber

Finally, you should contact a local plumbing expert. A plumbing professional is perhaps the greatest asset that you have in managing a water leak. If your leak is severe or you find yourself outside of standard work hours, contact an emergency plumber.

Getting an expert on-site to diagnose the problem, assess the damage, create a repair plan, and work towards helping your home is essential to minimizing leak damage. A professional can also help you detect the leak and turn off the water supply if you have trouble with either of these steps.

Step 5: Water Management

While you are waiting for your plumber to arrive, you may decide to start clearing any standing water. Small amounts of standing water around a plumbing fixture can be easily wiped up. This can help you minimize the water damage your home may face. However, this step also depends on your type of leak. If you have a severe leak, you will need expert assistance in clearing out the water. Wall and ceiling water will need to be cleared with a dehumidifier (which your plumbing company will have in tow). Wiping these areas when they are wet may cause damage.

Newcomb and Company | Emergency Plumbers in Raleigh

When you find a plumbing leak in your home, the Raleigh plumbing professionals at Newcomb and Company are here for you. Our experienced experts proudly serve homes and businesses in the greater Raleigh area, including Clayton, Garner, Knightdale, Cary, Durham, and beyond. Contact our emergency plumbers, no matter the time of day, when you have a plumbing leak.

Need help? Call now.